Running just as fast as we can...

In an attempt to get fit, I'm signing up for the Minnesota State Fair's "Milkrun". It is a 5K run in late August. All others interested in training with me or watching my progress are welcome to hang out with me here.

Wednesday, May 31

Did you know...

...the sun is shines at 6am... And it's really bright too!! I was astounded.

Another thing, did you know exercise affects your mood? I am downright chipper today.

I set my alarm for this morning for 6:55am so I would have time to do a half-hour of training before work. I woke up at 6:05am. On my own!! Then, I decided it would be a little too nerdy to get up that early so I rolled over fully expecting to groan and regret it when my alarm went off. Not today. I woke up again at 6:54am. So I shut off the alarm and went outside to enjoy the day.
Maybe this running thing is a good idea after all...

Tuesday, May 30

The Couch-to-5K Running Plan

...sounds like JUST the thing for me!! This is my "plan". Thanks to ANWM for giving me the great tip!!

A fresh start

Welcome to my new blog! This is a space for me to keep track of my achievements in running, to give and receive support from friends, and provide myself a measure of accountability. Afterall, if I think someone is going to be reading about my progress, then I better get off my ass and make some progress, right?

For those who will be training with me, you have the email address to post here about your progress. If you have a Blogger account, let me know and I can add you as a member so you can post the old-fashioned way, if you prefer.

So that's all for today. Tomorrow I plan to do my first run...we'll see how it goes!